John Key funny


Whilst I have reblogged this article from another blog, and I do agree that John Key has been a disaster for this country, it does not mean I or 1Law4All agree with every statement made in the article. For example, I don’t believe we have true poverty in New Zealand. If you calculate the number of people living in poverty as the number living on a percentage of the average wage, then we will always have poverty, even if that same percentage are on an income of $100,000.00 a year. It’s a ridiculous way to decide if people are living in poverty. I also know that by always stating the number of kids, rather than the number of people, is designed to tug at the heart strings, (or guilt strings), because most of us know that if kids are living in poverty, it’s their parents fault. Not the Governments or the taxpayers.

Arise Sir John

For creating a New Zealand where there are over 250,000 kids living in poverty …

For refusing to get the bodies out of the Pike River mine and thereby helping individuals avoid justice …

For Dirty Politics …

For the increasing numbers of homeless sleeping rough …

For selling off shares in the electricity companies and in Air New Zealand and enriching the wealthy at the expense of the rest of us …

For presiding over the development of a housing crisis yet refusing to accept that one existed …

For increasing the Crown’s debt from $10 billion to $93 billion and claiming this was evidence of sound financial management …

For widening inequality in NZ …

For the widening sexist pay gap in NZ …

For legislating to give Sky City further gambling rights so that the convention centre can be built on the back of problem gamblers …

For attacking scientists, reporters and media …

For the repeated lie that every budget would result in a further 170,000 jobs being created …

For ruling out an increase in GST but then implementing one …

For stuffing up negotiations with Warner Bros, Rio Tinto, SkyCity …

For systematically under funding health …

For deliberately running down state housing stock …

For increased surveillance and “jihadi “brides” fear mongering …

For running down the education system with stupid ideological policies …

For the rising rates of “third world” diseases of poverty and overcrowding …

For claiming that tax cuts were fiscally neutral when they caused Crown debt to escalate …

For wanting to make New Zealand a nirvana for the 1% …

For harassing a waitress (and making us an international laughing stock) …

For the stupid failed “War on P” …

For wasting $26m on a failed vanity flag referendum …

For suspending local democracy in Canterbury …

For the creation of the working poor …

For under funding mental health and the highest suicide rates ever …

For claiming that he would apply higher Ministerial standards but then allowing Murray McCully to complete #sheepgate …

For destroying New Zealand’s ability to respond to climate change …

For the fiasco of private prisons …

For taxing paperboys and girls …

For forcing the TPP down our throats …

For turning your back on meaningful refugee increases …

For trying to use tax payer money to pay your Bradley Ambrose payout …

For destroying so many of our waterways in the name of intensified dairying …

For sheltering ministers who have been incompetent and worse …

For lying habitually about everything …

And for all that – achieving nothing of vision or significance …

For pandering to Maori demands, fueling resentment and entitlement and increasing racism in New Zealand…

For allowing mega companies to take our fresh water for nothing…

For championing racist policies which have destroyed New Zealand’s democracy…

Arise Sir John.

By: of The Standard

The last few in green I’ve added. I’m sure you can think of many more. Let’s hear them in the comments!




19 thoughts on “Arise Sir John

  1. Interesting comments, some of which I agree with and some I don’t. Certainly agree with Key and Findlayson pandering to the Maoris though. So who would you suggest voting for? Labour will be even worse! I went through the questions on and it gave me ACT, NZ First and lastly, National.

    1. So far NZ First are the only ones talking about 1 law for all. 1Law4All will not tell anyone how to vote. But I can tell you that, even though it’s a risk that NZ First may not follow through with their promises, I personally will be voting for them. My hope is that if large numbers of people vote for them because of their 1 law for all policies, even if they don’t follow through, it should send a message to other parties that this is an important issue that does matter to a large number of people.

        1. I don’t think for sure that he won’t. He may very well follow through. However, he’s a politician making promises in an election year. Call me cynical but that says it all really. Let’s just say I’m hoping for the best, but won’t be surprised if we get the worst. I hope he does follow through because we’ve recently gotten to know Clayton Mitchell a little bit, and you couldn’t wish for a nicer, more sincere man. It’s due to him, and his assurances, that I’ll be voting for NZ First this year.

  2. Where are the “left’s” criticisms of the last three rants on this list?
    I’ve not seen any policies or statements from Labour or the Greens that are pitching a reversal of the “pandering to Maori demands ……” and the “championing of racist policies which have destroyed New Zealand’s democracy”, or a call for a binding referendum on the retention or abolition of the Maori Seats in Parliament except from New Zealand First.

  3. What a completely left wing commentary ,I find the comments about John Key to have a complete left wing bias which is contrary to most previous articles I have read on this site ,I do wonder if there was not an election being held in the next few weeks as to wether this comment would have raised at all….. A vey political and totally Left commentary and unacceptable for this site in my opinion ,I am disappointed for this site to have accepted it

    1. This site didn’t accept it in the sense that it was not sent to 1Law4All to publish. I reblogged it from the site linked to at the bottom. I did so because I agree that John Key was a terrible PM who has damn near destroyed this country [IMHO] and I won’t apologise for publishing it. We’re only just hanging on to free speech by the skin of our teeth in New Zealand, but we still have it for now. I don’t see the comments as left or right wing, just as a commentary on his record. I am entitled to my opinions and you are entitled to yours. If we agreed on everything I’d be married to you and making your life miserable instead of my husbands. Think yourself lucky! 🙂

      1. There has been no mention yet about the Marine and Coastal Act put in by National Party Where Maori can declare wahi tapu on this site where anyone walking a dog,anglers, boaties,surfers and other beaches not part of the tribal group can be fined up tp $5,000 for each trespass. or build without tribal permission to build mooring buoys etc you can be imprisoned up to two years or fined $300,000 where 90% goes to Maori and 10% goes to the crown.

    2. Hi Garry, yes, I concur. A very left-wing article and I was going to say something similar but then I thought it’s a free country and we supposedly have free speech and open views. This just made me more determined to get a political party into power who won’t just continue to dish out taxpayers money to those who don’t want to work. It seems to me that this is just ACT and NZ First

  4. The comment about creating 250,000 children in poverty is simply crap-you do your cause no good at all with such rubbish.

  5. I totally agree that John key is just the latest in a long line of useless racist traitors who desereve to be put against a wall. Despite Finlayson never getting elected ( failed 4 times I think) and sneaking in the back door on the ‘list’ and having been an employee of the racist maori elite, Key gave him the job of treaty minister which is so ridiculous it was unbelievable. Key knew very well that the public were never consulted or informed about this undemocratic treachery. Key spent $26 million on his flagging (excuse the pun) ego when it was needed elsewhere and tried to manipulate the referendum by doing it backwards. An evil anti democrtatic scumbag who became liked by the gullible media because he smiled and gave interviews.

  6. This web site is entitled 1law4all and I fail to see how 97% of the leftist rant entitled “Arise Sir John” has anything to do with the important issue of the reverse racism that has developed in this country. In fact in the original list (in grey text) none of the gripes listed had any mention of 1law4all concerns.
    I think that political views that are completely off topic should be addressed elsewhere and that articles such as this one should be submitted to a known site moderator for consideration before being posted for comment here.

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